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bloom hearing specialists Incident response

IDCARE as Australia and New Zealand's national identity and cyber support community service has been engaged by Bloom Hearing Specialists (and other impacted entities) to assist individuals who have concerns about the exposure of their personal information.

Keep abreast of developments in relation to this cyber incident by visiting the Bloom Hearing Specialists website at (Australia) and (New Zealand).
The other impacted entities for Australia and New Zealand are listed on those webpages.

IDCARE’s Role in Supporting You

IDCARE is an independent charity focused on supporting community members that have concerns about their personal, account or credential information.

We have been asked by Bloom Hearing Specialists to extend our support to impacted persons via the provision of expert advice and IDCARE specialist Case Management services are available.

IDCARE Case Managers work every day with community members who experience the compromise or exploitation of their personal information. They understand the real risks, concerns and needs of our community.

General recommendations are provided below. If you have specific concerns or seek further guidance on the recommendations, please submit an Individual Get Help Form and use the reference code provided in your notification.

Note that IDCARE's National Case Management specialises in cases where individuals believe they have experienced identity exploitation and misuse or have grave concerns about this risk.

For media enquiries please contact Brigid Glanville +61 407 210 976 / or Joel Labi +61 450 582 360 /

General Advice and Guidance

The exposure of personal information such as name, date of birth, and contact details can heighten risks around scammer engagement. In fact, notifications about a breach itself can also heighten risks, as scammers can seek to impersonate the breached organisation when engaging with notified persons.

Remain scam vigilant by:

Assuming that communications you receive may be from a scammer.

Make your own enquiries using an alternative contact method to the one they used.

Never give remote access to your devices if asked by someone who engages you.

Keep your passwords and codes to yourself. Sharing these with scammers may mean you breach the terms and conditions of the account providers (such as your bank) and any chance of recovering funds highly unlikely.

Staying abreast of the latest scams by visiting Scamwatch or by subscribing to IDCARE’s free community awareness bulletin, Cyber Sushi

If you believe you have responded to a scam engagement, please complete an IDCARE Get Help form to request assistance.

Response Recommendations by Credentials

IDCARE has formed response recommendations relating to the credentials potentially exposed as a result of this cyber incident. Bloom Hearing Specialists have informed IDCARE that not all attributes were exposed for each individual impacted. Please refer to your incident notification for specifics on what information of yours was (or may have been) exposed.

Full Name & Date of Birth

Potential Risks

A full name and date of birth are low risk identity attributes on their own. However, in combination with other information (such as address and phone number) scammers engaging you may appear more legitimate.


You may see an increase in targeted phishing attempts via email, text messaging or telephone calls, where the scammer uses details specific to you (such as your name and date of birth for “verification”). For more information on phishing watch IDCARE's what is phishing video here -->

Never click on links in emails or text messages, no matter how legitimate they appear. Do not be pressured to respond, whether it is by email, text message or telephone. If you want to know whether an organisation tried to get in touch with you, contact the organisation yourself using contact details you know are correct.

Keep being scam vigilant and stay across the latest scams by regularly visiting, connecting with our social media, and subscribing to our free online newsletter Cyber Sushi. Another great resource is Scamwatch that collate lots of information and alerts about scams.

Phone Number


The phone number will be the one provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). This could be your mobile or a landline/home phone number.

Potential Risks

The exposure of a phone number can leave you open to being targeted by spam or scam phone calls.

These can appear to be from legitimate phone numbers with local area codes.

They often claim to be an authority or organisation, such as the police, a telecommunication company or a government entity.

The scam-caller may frame the call with a sense of urgency, either in order to avoid a penalty (such as a payment or fine) or to receive a reward (such as a discount).

Scammers may send fraudulent SMS messages to the phone number. These may impersonate a legitimate organisation and include a link to a malicious download or scam website.

For more information on SMS scams please visit IDCARE's fact sheet -->


Keep being super vigilant about scams, particularly telephone and SMS scams. Having a little bit of information exposed (such as your full name, address, date of birth, or phone number) can make the job of scammers much easier when convincing people about their deception.

Do not feel pressured to respond to a call or text message. If you think a call may be legitimate, hang up and call the organisation back using details that you know are correct.  Do not accept that it is the real organisation because the Caller ID shows their correct number or name – these can be “spoofed” or masked to appear to be real.

Do not download apps or software (such as AnyDesk or TeamViewer), follow technology instructions, or allow remote access to your device to someone who has called you.

Do not click on links in text messages. Instead, contact the organisation using details you know are correct.

If you think a call may not be legitimate, hang up and contact the organisation yourself using contact details you know are correct. Don’t automatically accept it’s the real organisation calling you because the caller ID shows their correct number or name: they can be manipulated to seem genuine.

Potential Risks

The exposure of a phone number can leave you open to being targeted by spam or scam phone calls.

These can appear to be from legitimate phone numbers with local area codes.

They often claim to be an authority or organisation, such as the police, a telecommunication company or a government entity.

The scam-caller may frame the call with a sense of urgency, either in order to avoid a penalty (such as a payment or fine) or to receive a reward (such as a discount).

Scammers may send fraudulent SMS messages to the phone number. These may impersonate a legitimate organisation and include a link to a malicious download or scam website.

For more information on SMS scams please visit IDCARE's fact sheet -->


Keep being super vigilant about scams, particularly telephone and SMS scams. Having a little bit of information exposed (such as your full name, address, date of birth, or phone number) can make the job of scammers much easier when convincing people about their deception.

Do not feel pressured to respond to a call or text message. If you think a call may be legitimate, hang up and call the organisation back using details that you know are correct.  Do not accept that it is the real organisation because the Caller ID shows their correct number or name – these can be “spoofed” or masked to appear to be real.

Do not download apps or software (such as AnyDesk or TeamViewer), follow technology instructions, or allow remote access to your device to someone who has called you.

Do not click on links in text messages. Instead, contact the organisation using details you know are correct.

If you think a call may be legitimate, hang up and contact the organisation yourself using contact details you know are correct. Don’t automatically accept it’s the real organisation calling you because the caller ID shows their correct number or name: they can be manipulated to seem genuine.

Residential Address


The residential address will be the one provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

For most individuals, addresses are considered low risk identity attributes. However, in combination with other attributes (such as your full name, date of birth, email address and phone number) scammers engaging you via email, SMS or telephone may appear more legitimate.

Reports made to IDCARE of cyber criminals physically attending a person’s address are very low. Most scammers and cybercriminals are not in Australia or New Zealand.

Some people can have specific concerns about the exposure of their address details, such as survivors of family and domestic violence or as a result of other personal reasons.


You may wish to discuss your concerns around physical security. You may engage an IDCARE Case Manager with these concerns, please book a time via our Get Help for Individuals Form.



The signature will be the one you may have provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

A signature is a low-risk identity attribute. It does not pose a direct identity-related misuse risk. Organisations do not rely on a signature as a form of ID for identity verification purposes.


There is no requirement to take any action in relation to your signature.



The photograph will be the one you may have provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

For most individuals, photographs are considered low risk identity attributes. However, in combination with other attributes (such as your full name, date of birth, email address and phone number) scammers  may appear more legitimate.


Should you wish to discuss your concerns with an IDCARE Case Manager, please book a time via our Get Help for Individuals Form.

Email Address


The email address will be the one provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

You may see an increase in email phishing attempts, particularly from scammers claiming to be from Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). These emails may include malicious attachments, links to fake websites or may download malware onto your device. They may encourage you to update or verify your details or to access a reimbursement via a link.

There is also the risk that your email address may be “spoofed” so that it appears to the recipients that the email came from you.

Additionally, there is the potential for extortion attempts, whereby a criminal claims to have access to your information and threatens to release it unless you provide payment. It is important not to comply with such requests, no matter how convincing they may appear.


Continue being super vigilant about scams and phishing emails. Having a little bit of information exposed (such as your full name, date of birth, email address or phone number) can make the job of scammers much easier when convincing people about their deception.

Beware of phishing emails, including those asking to update billing details, pay invoices or apply for reimbursements.

Never click on links in unsolicited or unexpected emails, no matter how legitimate they appear.

Do not be pressured to respond to emails. Instead, contact the organisation directly using contact details you know to be correct.

Use an up-to-date antivirus application that includes email protection and scanning.

Health Information


Some of the information exposed in this breach was health information, including patient records and other records relating to employees and contractors.

Potential Risks

Whilst this information does not pose a direct identity related misuse risk, we acknowledge that for some people there may be concerns that arise due to the sensitivities associated with the exposure of personal health information.


If you would like to discuss concerns about the compromise to your health information, please submit a Get Help for Individuals Form and a case manager will get in contact with you.

Financial Information


For some individuals, this breach event may have included financial information held by Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity) such as bank name, account name, BSB, account number, credit card details, and debit card details. Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Having your debit and credit card details exposed presents a risk of misuse.

Although a BSB and account number does not present a direct misuse risk, the BSB identifies who the financial institution is, which may make impersonation scam attempts appear more legitimate. 


Talk to your bank(s) about the type of information exposed (or potentially exposed) and explore with them what additional security measures they may have available to protect you. If you observe any misuse with your card, please speak directly to the card issuer using the telephone number listed on the card.

Superannuation Information


Some of the information exposed in this breach was superannuation information, including account and insurance details. Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Your superannuation information may be used to undertake unauthorised financial activities.


Contact your superannuation provider and explore with them what additional security measures they may have available to protect you.

Social Services Information


Some of the information exposed in this breach was social services information, including types of payments (such as parental leave and pensions).


Potential Risks   

Whilst this information does not pose a direct identity related misuse risk, we acknowledge that for some people there may be concerns that arise due to the sensitivities associated with the exposure of this information.   


If you would like to discuss concerns about the compromise to your social services information, please submit a Get Help for Individuals Form and a case manager will get in contact with you.

Tax Information


Tax information, including payment summaries and the tax file number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

In conjunction with other information, your tax file number may be used to submit fraudulent tax returns in your name and/or register or re-register Australian Business Numbers in order to submit fraudulent claims for GST refunds. There is also a risk of an ATO link being created with a MyGov account.


If your tax file number was (or may have been) compromised, contact the Australian Tax Office (ATO) immediately via their Client Identity Support Centre on 1800 467 033 Monday to Friday 8:00am–6:00pm AEST and explore with them what additional security measures they may have available to protect you. Please be advised in some cases the security measures implemented by the ATO in response to a compromised tax file number may result in tax related services being unlinked within the MyGov portal. It may also mean you need to call the ATO prior to submitting your tax return to have restrictions temporarily lifted on your account.

Employee Records


Some of the information exposed in this breach was employee records, including HR files.      

Potential Risks   

Whilst this information does not pose a direct identity related misuse risk, we acknowledge that for some people there may be concerns that arise due to the sensitivities associated with the exposure of this information.   


If you would like to discuss concerns about the compromise to your employee records, please submit a Get Help for Individuals Form and a case manager will get in contact with you.

NDIS Number (AU)


The NDIS number you provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential risks

This information does not pose a direct transactional risk.


If your NDIS number was (or may have been) compromised, you can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) by calling the NDIS Fraud Reporting and Scams Helpline on 1800 650 717 or by emailing

Other Funding Source Information (DVA Card/Concession Card) (AU)  


The DVA Card or Concession Card provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).  Concession Cards may include Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card, Centrelink Sickness Allowance, DVA Pensioner Concession Card, DVA Gold Health Repatriation Card and/or DVA White Health Repatriation Cards.

Potential Risks

This information does not pose a direct transactional risk, such as enabling access to DVA, health or financial records.


There is no requirement to take any action in relation to your DVA Card or Concession Card.

Driver Licence


Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this credential was (or may have been) exposed. If notified that your driver licence was (or may have been) exposed, this is the driver licence provided to (or otherwise held by) Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

A driver licence is the most common credential used by identity criminals. The photo on a driver licence is not necessary to enable a criminal to exploit these details. What is most commonly exploited on a driver licence is the personal details, card number, driver licence or Customer Reference Number, and expiry date that are commonly misused.

Driver licence information can be used to establish new accounts in a person’s name, and in some cases deceive either a person or an organisation into providing access to existing accounts.


QLD Driver Licence Number Change

Queensland driver licence numbers will only be changed if the holder can provide evidence that it has been misused, or is at a high risk of being used, for fraudulent transactions.

To apply for a new driver licence number, you will need:

Submit these in person to your nearest Transport and Main Roads Service Centre.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on Queensland Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

NSW Driver Licence Number Change

Transport for New South Wales will consider changing a driver licence number if there is evidence the current licence has been misused or is at risk of being misused.

If you do not wish to apply for a new driver licence number, or your application is unsuccessful, you may wish to instead replace your licence. A replacement licence will have the same driver licence number, but a new card number.  Where organisations accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer’s records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse.

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

To apply for a new driver licence number, you will need to:

Please note that as the process for changing a NSW driver licence number has recently changed, some IDCARE clients are reporting being given incorrect advice from NSW licence issuers, such as a requirement for a magistrate’s certificate. If this happens, please refer the customer service officer to the following website

For more details, useful links and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on NSW Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

Victorian Driver Licence Number Change

IDCARE has observed that replacing a Victorian driver licence number is extremely difficult and rarely occurs. VicRoads will consider a change of driver licence number if the current licence has been used in the attempt to commit fraud resulting in identity theft. VicRoads will not change your driver licence number if it has been exposed in a data breach but no fraud has occurred.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on Victorian Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

ACT Driver Licence

Unlike most Australian states, Australian Capital Territory driver licence numbers cannot be changed. When a licence is replaced, only the card number will change. Where organisations accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer's records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse.

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

You can replace your licence online through the replacement licence page or in person at an Access Canberra Service Centre.

You will need to pay a replacement fee of $42.60.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on ACT Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

NT Driver Licence

Unlike most Australian states, Northern Territory driver licence numbers cannot be changed. When a licence is replaced, only the card number will change. Where organisations accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer’s records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse.

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

Submit your request to the Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) via phone 1300 654 628, email, at your nearest MVR office or at your nearest Australia Post office or by mail at:

Motor Vehicle Registry

GPO Box 530

Darwin NT 0801

You may be required to provide evidence of your identity.

You will need to pay a replacement fee of $22. If submitting your request by mail or email, the MVR will notify you upon receipt of your request for payment and identity confirmation.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on NT Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

South Australia Driver Licence Number Change

Service SA will consider changing a South Australian driver licence number if the licence has been lost or stolen or involved in a data breach, or if the details of the licence have been misused.

If you do not wish to apply for a new driver licence number, or your application is unsuccessful, you may wish to instead replace your licence. A replacement licence will have the same driver licence number, but a new card number.  Where organisations accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer’s records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

To apply for a new licence number, you will need to:

  • Complete the MR666 change of licence/client number form, with supporting evidence for your claim. Evidence may include supporting statements from South Australia Police or another law enforcement jurisdiction, or correspondence from organisations confirming that misuse has occurred. A police report number or Report Cyber number alone will not be accepted as sufficient evidence. See the back of the MR 666 form for more details.
  • Present the completed form to your nearest Service SA Customer Service Centre
  • Confirm with Service SA that both your licence number and card number are being changed, and pay the $20 fee. Your new licence details will be updated immediately on your mySAGOV account and your mySAGOV app. The new licence will be posted to your address.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on SA Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

Tasmania Driver Licence Number Change

Service Tasmania considers changes to Tasmanian Driver Licences on a case-by-case basis. You must attend your nearest Service Tasmania Contact Centre to initiate the process

If you do not wish to apply for a new driver licence number, or your application is unsuccessful, you may wish to instead replace your licence. A replacement licence will have the same driver licence number, but a new card number.  Where organisations accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer’s records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse.

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

To apply for a change of driver licence number, you will need to provide:

If your application is successful, you will need to complete a driver licence replacement form and pay the duplicate fee of $28.49 (standard fee) or $21.69 (pensioner fee).

You can also request a file notation to reduce the friction caused by responding to traffic-related misuse.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on Tasmanian Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

WA Driver Licence Number Change

Western Australia Department or Transport will consider changing your driver licence number if you have evidence that your licence details have been compromised in a known data breach/cyberattack or that you have been a victim of identity fraud.

If you do not wish to apply for a new driver licence number, or your application is unsuccessful, you may wish to instead replace your licence. A replacement licence will have the same driver licence number, but a new card number.  Where organisations check and accept only licences where both the driver licence number and card number match the issuer’s records, replacing your driver licence will reduce the risk of misuse.

Please note that changes to your driver licence details may take time to be updated across all systems.

To apply for a new driver licence number, you need to:

Processes for changing your driver licence number or replacing your driver licence may be streamlined where there has been a reported data breach/cyberattack. Please check online with the WA Department of Transport Department alerts for the latest information.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on WA Driver Licences.

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

NZ Driver Licence Change

Driver licence numbers cannot be changed in New Zealand. When you renew or replace your driver licence, you will be issued with a new 3-digit version number, and your old licence will be automatically cancelled. In New Zealand, both the licence number and version number are required to approve most credit and non-credit applications. Driver licences can be replaced if they have been lost, stolen, misused or potentially compromised.

For more details, useful links, and contact information, please see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on NZ Driver Licences.

Medicare Card (AU)


Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this credential was (or may have been) exposed. If notified that Medicare card details were (or may have been) exposed, these are the Medicare card details provided to (or otherwise held by) Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).

Potential Risks

Your Medicare card number may be used as a form of identity verification in order to create accounts in your name, including financial accounts.

Replacing your Medicare Card

If your Medicare card was (or may have been) compromised, we recommend you replace the card. You can request a replacement card through your MyGov account or via the Express Plus Medicare mobile app. You will receive confirmation of the request and the new card details will be issued and available to be noted down for use until the physical card arrives. Alternatively, you can use a digital copy of the card through the app. If you prefer, you can call the Medicare General Enquiries line on 132 011 (available 24/7) to order a replacement card.

National Health Index Number (NZ)


The National Health Index number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was exposed.

Potential Risks

Although a NHI number does not present a direct identity-related misuse risk, we recommend you notify Health New Zealand of the compromise to this information and seek their advice as to whether any additional security is required on this account.

MSD/WINZ/Community Services Card Numbers (NZ)


The MSD/WINZ/Community Services Card Number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Work and Income NZ advises that MyMSD accounts cannot be accessed without usernames, passwords plus optional pin numbers.


Although a Community Services Card number does not present a direct identity-related misuse risk, we recommend you notify Work and Income NZ of the compromise to this information and seek their advice as to whether any additional security is required on this account. To replace your Community Services Card, call 0800 999 999.

Centrelink Number (AU)


The Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Services Australia advise that a Centrelink account cannot be accessed with your Customer Reference Number (CRN) alone, nor can the card number by itself be used as a proof of identity within their organisation. Further, a compromised Centrelink CRN will not enable fraudulent credit accounts or transactional bank accounts to be established.


If you are concerned about your Centrelink CRN you may wish to speak to the Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk within Services Australia, by calling 1800 941 126 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm AEST).

ACC Claim Number (NZ)


The ACC claim number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was exposed.

Potential Risks

Although an ACC claim number does not present a direct identity-related misuse risk, we recommend you notify the ACC of the compromise to this information and seek their advice as to whether any additional security is required on this account.

IRD Number (NZ)


The IRD Number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was exposed.

Potential Risks

In conjunction with other information, your IRD Number may be used to submit fraudulent tax returns in your name and/or register or re-register New Zealand Business Numbers in order to submit GST refunds. There is also a risk of an Inland Revenue link being created with another account.


Contact the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on 0800 257 843 (New Zealand) or +64 4 910 6076 (calling from overseas) to inform them of your concerns and ask for additional security to be placed on your account. When you speak with the IRD you may also wish to register for voice ID.

Insurance Information


The private health insurance information, including account details provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity) and claims. Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Private health insurance information does not present a direct identity-related misuse risk.


If your private health insurance information was (or may have been) compromised, contact your insurance provider immediately to obtain a record of all claims against your account to determine if any fraudulent claims have been made and request that additional security be placed on your account. You may also wish to check your Medicare rebate history through MyGov to see if any fraudulent claims have been made there.

KiwiSaver Member Number (NZ)


The KiwiSaver member number provided to Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity). Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this information was (or may have been) exposed.

Potential Risks

Your superannuation information may be used to undertake unauthorised financial activities.


Contact your KiwiSaver and explore with them what additional security measures they may have available to protect you.



Please refer to your incident notification to determine whether this credential was (or may have been) exposed. If notified that your Passport was (or may have been) exposed, this is the Passport provided to (or otherwise held by) Bloom Hearing Specialists (or another impacted entity).


Potential Risks

A passport can be used by identity criminals, much the same as a driver licence. The photo on a passport is not necessary to enable a criminal to exploit these details. What is most commonly exploited on a passport is the personal details, the passport number, and expiry date. Rarely does IDCARE hear from community members who have exposed passports about the use of their passport at the border by someone impersonating them to travel. Border security makes travelling on a compromised passport very difficult.

However, passport information can be used to establish new accounts in a person’s name, and in some cases deceive either a person or an organisation into providing access to existing accounts.



Australian Passport

Options to consider for a breached passport that is still in your possession:

  • Replacement Passport: the passport will be issued with a new passport number but the same expiry date (eligibility restrictions apply). Your current passport will remain valid until the replacement passport has been issued.
  • Passport Renewal: the passport will be issued with a new number and new expiry date. Your current passport will remain valid until the renewed passport has been issued.
  • Cancel the Passport: the passport will be cancelled, and the Australian Passport Office will notify the Document Verification Service that the passport is no longer valid. You will need to follow the full application process if you wish to obtain another passport.
  • Keep your current passport and monitor for misuse.

Note that there are costs associated with replacement or renewing your passport.

For more details and useful links about Australian passports, please call the Australian Passports Office on 131 232 or visit the Australian Passport Office.

IDCARE has additional information in our Learning Centre about managing Passport risks (see IDCARE's Fact Sheet on Australian Passports).

You may also wish to consider credit reports and credit bans as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

New Zealand Passport Recommendations

For New Zealand passports, DIA can place a flag on your passport which will alert DIA if an application is made to replace or renew your passport. DIA call centre staff have been unable to confirm with IDCARE if the impacted individual will also be notified of a renewal or replacement attempt.

According to the DIA, a flag on your passport will not prevent:

  • your passport being used for travel, or
  • someone from using your passport for credit applications or identification purposes unrelated to international travel

However, a flag may delay processing of your own application for a replacement or renewal passport.

To place a flag, contact DIA online or call 0800 22 50 50.

If you choose to replace your passport, you can apply for a new passport with DIA online. This will automatically cancel your current passport, but an application fee will apply.
You may also wish to consider New Zealand credit reports and New Zealand credit suppressions as additional protective measures to protect against credit misuse.

Passports issued in countries other than Australia or New Zealand

If you are not in your home country, please contact your embassy or consulate to make a report and discuss whether it is necessary to organise a replacement document. Please note, if you are in Australia or New Zealand on a student visa, any changes to your passport may have implications for your visa. Find your nearest embassy or consulate in Australia or New Zealand. If you are in your home country, contact the government organisation responsible for issuing the passport.