Published on:

April 30, 2024

IDCARE Placement Program

IDCARE supports university students as well as individuals who are awaiting security clearances or commencement with a national security agency who are motivated and seek to gain practical experience in the world of cybercrime, scams, and identity security response. IDCARE is a unique organisation and the work we do each day makes a very direct difference to the lives of many. To work at IDCARE you must be an Australian citizen or have permanent residency.

University Placements

We have supported university student placements, each semester for the past decade, across a range of disciplines with many high performing students staying on as employees. We have several university disciplines that are supported by our placement programs, including but not limited to:

• Psychology

• Social Work

• Law

• Computer Science

• Data Science

• Strategic Communications

Students are required to attend IDCARE offices during their placement program no less than two-days per week (a minimum of three days per week is required for those seeking case management experience). They are assigned an IDCARE Placement Supervisor and work with them under supervision to achieve experience milestones in accordance with their university course outline and learning objectives.

Upon commencement, placement students work with their IDCARE Placement Supervisor to develop a draft Placement Program which is then provided to their university course coordinator to ensure it aligns with the course learning outcomes and requirements. Milestones are monitored throughout the placement.

National Security Placements

IDCARE recognises that for some national security agencies there can be a considerable wait between when people have been placed on a merit list and when they may commence their new career. In some cases, individuals may have to wait more than six months. IDCARE encourages individuals in this situation to think about contributing to our work as a volunteer to build a unique but valued experience in better understanding the impacts of threats that may very much form part of their future career. A number of our staff have considerable experience working within this environment and remain well-connected to these communities. Gaining such a unique experience will contribute directly to the value you bring to your future career.


There are a range of experiences offered through our placement program, including:

• Exposure to IDCARE’s National Case Management Centre in working with clients that need to respond to cybercrimes, scams, identity theft and other threats to personal information.

• Working alongside staff within our Cyberpsychology Clinic in the provision of mental health first-aid, the conduct of research, and the assessment of mental health impacts and needs.

• Supporting the delivery of Cyber Security Clinical services, including the provision of Cyber First Aid and its ongoing development through the testing of new and emerging threat detection measures and techniques.

• Developing new methods in better harnessing data to derive insights into current and emerging trends.

• Contributing knowledge about the effectiveness and relevance of response system actions necessary to remediate the real risks to persons following the compromise of their personal information.

• Supporting the production of reporting that leverages our unique insights for government, industry and the community sector aimed at shaping positive change to reduce harms confronting our community.

• Contribute to IDCARE’s Cyber Resilience Outreach Clinics in supporting community events, including remote community events, that seek to extend our support services and enhance learnings about the unique needs and challenges of specific communities.


Successful completion of an IDCARE Placement Program provides attendees with a Certificate of Completion and a referee option to support future career moves. You will gain a highly unique experience and be treated as a member of the team.


Placement intakes are extended in February/March and July each year, aligning with traditional university semester calendars. Summer placements may also be considered.

For eligible national security placements, commencement and timings are negotiated with each individual and considered in the context of Placement Supervision availability.

Expressing Interest

If you are interested in an IDCARE Placement and you are a university student, please engage your relevant university course coordinator and encourage them to express interest on your behalf via If we don’t already have a placement student agreement with your university, this will need to be arranged through your university placement coordinator. IDCARE does not accept placements outside of this arrangement with university students and will not respond to expressions of interest received outside of an engagement with a university placement coordinator.

If you are awaiting commencement with a national security agency, please submit your cv and a one-page letter that outlines your interest in our placement program, via including:

• Why you have expressed interest;

• What areas identified are of appeal to you;

• Your likely availability in relation to location, hours and days;

• From when you may commence your placement.

CVs must contain at least two referees, one of which must be a current supervisor. Please refrain from providing any details about what agency you are awaiting commencement. This is not required or needed.


IDCARE is here to provide you with specialist support and guidance when faced with a cyber and identity related issue. Contact one of our Identity & Cyber Security Case Managers to learn more about our Support Services and how we can help you.   

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