Have you ever gone to an ATM to withdraw cash and had a complete blank when you were asked to key in your secret pin?
What about when you’ve had to update your password on your email and then you sit in front a locked screen because you absolutely cannot remember what you changed it to. Or, maybe, you’ve keyed in the wrong password into your smart phone seven times and now it is locked and if you do it wrong one more time, you will be locked out for hours.
Passwords are the most widely used security control online. We create them and use them to control every aspect of our online environment. For something so important, most people are exceptionally lazy at keeping them protected. For example, a common password like “123456” would take less than a second to crack. Yet, in data breach paste sites that published hacked data, this password has featured over 23 million times!
Learn about credit reports and why you need one!
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